Wednesday, August 27, 2008


We were having a photo session with the boys the other day trying to get a picture for their announcement cards. It is almost impossible to get a picture of two newborns and both of them have their eyes open, both of them still, etc. We did get some pictures that are adorable, but this one we thought was pretty cool. Andrew is the younger, but bigger, boy and apparently he is stronger too! We were amazed when he started doing this and holding it for like 10 seconds or so!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cute Kids!!

What a Sight!!

James was able to capture this beautiful sunset looking out from our upstairs window. Gorgeous!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Crazy Kendall!

Kendall has been doing great in her new role as a big sister. That's not to say there haven't been any rough patches along the way, but for the most part she has done awesome. She does tell both mom and dad to "put him down" on occasion but that's about it. Here are just a few pictures of her that I thought were cute. She had a lot of fun wearing Mimi's glasses- she couldn't quite figure out how to see with them on and was quite funny trying to walk with them on.

Mimi comes to town!

Mimi came to visit us for 17 days and was a huge help. I have to admit I was a little nervous about having my mom here for 17 days (who wouldn't be?) but it was a great visit. She cooked, cleaned, grocery shopped, played with Kendall, and helped with feeding the boys during the night. Here are just a few pictures from her stay. The bottom one is of her and Andrew sharing a special moment! I'm so glad she got to spend this time with us when the babies were so little- it will be a great memory for us and hopefully her too!

The Three Amigos

Mia, Kendall, and Laney outside on a beautiful sunny day. Mia, Laney and their mom Erin have been coming over to help out with the kids this week since James had an extremely busy week at work. What lifesavers!!! Thanks so much!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Boys are Growing!

My boys are getting huge!! I know it may not look like it in these pictures, but they really are much bigger. These are newborn clothes and they are actually starting to fit! In case you can't tell who's who yet, the top picture is Noah and the next one is Andrew. They really look very different- Noah has darker hair and skin and Andrew is more fair with lighter hair. None of their features are really the same either. Pretty handsome dudes, aren't they?

New Family Pictures

We have Mimi here with us now helping out with Kendall and the boys. She has been a huge help and will be leaving us on Sunday. Yikes- we will be on our own for the first time then and we are getting pretty nervous. Kendall still loves her brothers, although there does seem to be a little jealousy starting over the last few days. Please everyone keep their fingers crossed that this attitude changes for the better soon!! This last picture is of James and Noah- this gives you a little glimpse of how everyone is feeling!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Cooling off!

Kendall learned that becoming a big sister has its perks. She got some great presents from our wonderful friends and family. This sprinkler ball has become one of her favorite toys. It works great to cool off on a hot day!

Kendall loves her babies!

Kendall wants to be wherever her brothers are and wants to do what they are doing. I prop the boys on a pillow to feed them at the same time and Kendall always ends up laying right beside them. What a cute bunch of kids, huh?!?

Is Noah hungry??

It seems everytime we lay the boys beside each other one of them ends up eating the other one. Whatever body part one can reach, it is sure to get gnawed on- elbows, hands and the head seem to be the most popular!

Aunt Cherish comes to visit!

James' sister, Cherish, came and stayed with us for a week to help out with the boys and Kendall. What a huge help she was!! She put in many late nights and slept with Ashley and the boys so James could sleep through the night and go to work. The top picture is Cherish holding Andrew and the bottome picture she is holding Noah after his belly got full and he fell fast asleep. She got to have some quality baby time since her kids did not come. One thing she did was stay with the boys while mom and Kendall went to the ER. You guessed it- Kendall got hurt yet again. She fell and hit her head on a wooden ottoman and ended up getting 7 staples in the back of her head!! She was a champ through it all. This all happened when the boys were 10 days old, so thank goodness Cherish was here with me so I didn't have to tote all 3 kids to the hospital. We cannot thank her enough for all she did!