James' sister, Cherish, came and stayed with us for a week to help out with the boys and Kendall. What a huge help she was!! She put in many late nights and slept with Ashley and the boys so James could sleep through the night and go to work. The top picture is Cherish holding Andrew and the bottome picture she is holding Noah after his belly got full and he fell fast asleep. She got to have some quality baby time since her kids did not come. One thing she did was stay with the boys while mom and Kendall went to the ER. You guessed it- Kendall got hurt yet again. She fell and hit her head on a wooden ottoman and ended up getting 7 staples in the back of her head!! She was a champ through it all. This all happened when the boys were 10 days old, so thank goodness Cherish was here with me so I didn't have to tote all 3 kids to the hospital. We cannot thank her enough for all she did!
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